Thursday, March 14, 2013

Starting the bend. The one on the right cracked a second later and Scott said a bad word. Then they backed it off and got another freshly boiled stem from the box. Pays to have backup. 
Scott bends, Randy inserts the bolts and drives the wedges in to hold the stems tight against the form. 
Doesn't seem right to make wood bend this much, but apparently it's been done before.
Guys in their natural habitat.
You can never have too many clamps.
On the left is a 100-year-old 12.5' Peterborough or Chestnut canoe that Scott is restoring. On the right is the mould for the new canoe. 

Canoe ribs - prepped and ready to steam. More scary bending in the future.
Homemade steam-boiling box. Makes the shop rather like a sauna. My glasses kept steaming up. 


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